Tuesday, June 24, 2008

too much

Too much on my mind.
Way too much on my to do list.
Overwhelmed, mentally mostly.

I'm going to go knit.


~Donna~ said...

right there with you girl...only I went to read...

Naomi Mimi said...

brain... overload... restart... now... commence... knitting...

ahhhhhhhh ^_^

hope you feel refreshed.

Lorena said...

Knitting? Good for the soul.

EkC said...

I'm with Donna...I turn to reading. Or playing with my pupster (you can see a picture of him on my blog if you're a dog person). :)

MsAmpuTeeHee said...

donna ~ seems like I only read in the bathroom lately LOL

naomi ~ a little bit! thanks!

lorena ~ ahhhh, yesss. I remember now!

ekc ~ total dog person. Now with dog!